Friday, June 24, 2005

discovery of a new author Laura Restrepo

I have just finished the novel
The dark bride( la novia escura ) by this colombian author.
I felt at in latin america
it is a typical latino fare
with a puta as the heroine
Laura has handled the puta theme admirably, like Jorge Amado of brasil and the master of this theme.
The story involves petroleros, poverty and prostituition
there is humour, irony,provocative and evocative descriptions.
Of course love of the putas and love for the putas has been juxtaposed.
sprinkling of philosophy and scattered nuggets of wisdom appear here and there

the inevitable love is defined and refined
amidst the wretched and miserable lust

The half Indian girl enters audaciously the world of puteria
without a peso, she commands the cartpuller to take her to a puteria
transforms herself into sayonara, with whom everyone falls in love
But she falls in impossible love with one miserable worker and becomes amanda
What a to disconnect heart and mind...opening the heart knowing the risk of breaking it
sayonara is memorable

and what more, sayonara meets her lover on the bank of River Magdalena
the same river in which the hero of Love at the time of cholera ( gabriel garcia marquez)takes his bride on a honeymoon cruise after having waited and married her after 70 years of age. The same Rio magdalena in which Maqroll ( alavro mutis novel)embarks on a risky journey upriver for the saw mills.

I am going to read the other two novels of Laura

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