Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Latin Americanist

I heard this word yesterday
author of this is Mr Om Gupta
He described himself as a Latin Americanist

I asked him how he became one
Here is his story

As a professional journalist, he was working in Times of India.
He had told Mr KM Meena, the then JS(LAC) that he was looking for something outside his routine. Meena introduced him to the Colombian Ambassador to delhi in 1992 Mr David Sanchez Juliao. The Ambassador who was also an accomplished writer, introduced him to Latin America.
Mr OmGupta found latin america fascinating. he started writing articles on latin america in newspapers. Then he started publishing a magazine called as " Indo- Latin American File". He joined JNU for a M.Phil programme and later started a Ph.D thesis on Rigoberta menchu tum, the Guatemalan indigenous leader and nobel prize winner. He translated One hundred years of solitude of gabriel Garcia Marquez and published in 200 installments in a Hindi newspaper Dainik bhaskar
he has published a book containing his articles
- travelled to chile , Argentina and Trinidad and Tobago.
- interviewed the presidents of Argentina, peru and Guyana
He had organised 12 seminars on latin america at the India International centre in 1993-2000.

Now he is the Director of mass Communication at the jagannath Inst of communication and design at delhi

he is keen to revive his romance with latin america
you can imagine the electricity that was generated when he and i met !

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