Saturday, November 30, 2019

Uruguay turns to Right from Left

Centre-Right National Party candidate Lacalle Pou has won the second round of presidential elections in Uruguay.
The country was ruled by centre-left coalition in the past 15 years. It was a period of political stability and inclusive economic growth. The left had pursued moderate and pragmatic policies. They did not indulge in excesses nor were they tainted in any corruption scandal. Tabare Vazquez (two terms) and Jose Mujica (one term) were popular presidents and finished their terms successfully. Mujica, who was a former leftist guerilla leader and was in jail for 14 years during the military dictatorship, did not show any rancour or bitterness. He was balanced and progressive. He refused presidential privileges and lead a simple and austere life. Even as president, he continued to live in his own modest farm house and drove his old Volkswagon Beetle car

I will characterise the result as an anti-incumbent verdict. The Uruguayan voters did the right thing by giving opportunity to the other side after having been ruled by one side for three terms. When one president, party or coalition stays in power for too long, they become complacent or corrupted by power. It is essential to change governments periodically for democracy to remain healthy and vibrant. The Chilean voters have changed their governments from left to right to left to right in the last four elections.
It was not a landslide win for Pou. The margin of victory was just one percent. The election council had to do a careful recount towards the end. But there was no controversy or the loser crying foul.
It is important to note that in the October 2019 elections, the leftist coalition Frente Amplio has won 42 seats as against the 30 seats of Pou's National Party in the Congress. Second point to note, Martinez had got 40% votes as against the 30% got by Pou in the first round.
President Pou is not likely to make any drastic changes in policies or pursue any extremist rightist agenda. He is a seasoned politician and his father was also president of the country. He will follow the Uruguayan tradition of balanced and mature policies.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The rise and fall of Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia

Evo Morales was elected as the first ever native Indian President of Bolivia in 2006. He is from the indigenous Aymara community. Despite forming 60% of the population, the indigenous were kept away from political and economic power for the last five hundred years by the minority white elite who are less than 15% of the country. So it was a historic turning point in Bolivia. Morales donned the red tunic of indigenous priests and addressed Bolivians from an ancient temple in Tiwanaku, promising to roll back five centuries of discrimination and colonization.

Obviously, the first priority of President Morales was to uplift the Indians from poverty and empower them politically. He changed the constituition of the country in 2009. He cried as he unveiled the new constitution that was inclusive of the indigenous and poor: “Here begins the new Bolivia,” he said. This was also an inspiration for the forty million indigenous people of Latin America who remain mostly poor and marginalized.

Morales was elected with 64% votes in 2009 under the new constitution. He was reelected in 2014  with over 60% of the votes as against his rival’s 25%. His party Movement for Socialism (MAS) got more than two thirds majority in the Congress in 2014

Morales was in power for the last fourteen years. This was an unprecedented long period of political stability in Bolivia which had seen many coups in the past. Before Morales came to power in 2006, there were five presidents in five years. Bolivia has never had such a long period of political stability and economic growth as it has experienced under President Morales.

With his socialist agenda, Morales reduced poverty and brought millions of people into middle class. Bolivia was the most successful in Latin America in poverty reduction. The per capita income of the people tripled to over 3300 dollars in 2018. He built schools, hospitals and infrastructure in the indigenous areas.

He nationalized the oil and gas and other sectors from which he increased state revenue. He got better price for the gas exported to Brazil and he even fought with his idol President Lula for higher prices. The increased revenue was ploughed into welfare projects.

Although he uses radical leftist rhetoric, Morales had managed the economy prudently and pragmatically. He had financed his pro-poor programmes with the increase in revenue from exports, taxes and better financial management. He had ensured fiscal surplus every year since 2006. The GDP of Bolivia has grown an average of five percent during his long 14 years of rule. Bolivia used to have hyper inflation in five digits. He succeesfully tamed the inflation and brought it in single digit. He also stabilized the currency, which had seen devaluation of several thousand percent in the past. He brought down external debt to manageable levels. 

Morales lead a simple and austere life without any personal ostentation. He was free from corruption and did not acquire personal wealth or indulge in any luxuries. He continued as a bachelor and dedicated most of his time for the country, except for his indulgence in playing football and occasional girlfriends. 

Morales was born in a poor peasant family which was growing coca leaves. He came to political limelight as a trade union leader of the coca leaf growers and organizer of protests against the neoliberal policies of the governments which private water and utilities increasing the cost of living for the poor. 
After having been in power for such a long period of 14 years, Morales should have stood down in the 2019 elections, as mandated by the term limit imposed by his own new constituition. This would have safeguarded his great legacy of achievements as the first indigenous president who transformed the country.

But power went to his head and Morales started believing that he was indispensable. He did not groom a successor. He held a referendum in 2016 seeking approval for another term. This was rejected by the people. But he went to the constituitional court and got from friendly judges a verdict approving his reelection, on the spurious ground of his personal human rights. This shocked his own supporters, besides alerting the opposition.

Morales made his worst mistake by indulging in manipulation of the results of 20 October elections. The live counting and telecast was shut down abrupty and mysteriously for almost 24 hours, when the margin between Morales and his nearest rival Carlos Mesa was narrowing. The next day, counting was resumed and it was announced that Morales won with more than ten percent difference in votes. This was a plain fraud. When the opposition and external election observers questioned, Morales agreed to an audit and later to holding a new election. But it was too late. Seeing the best opportunity to bring down Morales, the opposition resorted to protests and clashed with his supporters. The military and police took the side of the protestors and turned against him. Fearing for his personal safety, he took the offer of Mexico for asylum and left the country. 

Many Leftist leaders and countries have expressed moral support for Morales and described his exit as the result of a coup and right wing conspiracy against the Left. It is true that the military had asked him to step down. But this was done at the very last stage when Morales had already dug his own grave. It was not a simple one time mistake. Morales had been making deliberate mistakes one after another since the failure of his Referendum in 2016 to unlawfully extend his term and undermine democracy. This is unpardonable.

Morales deserved a better end after such a glorious legacy. But he is the one responsible for his fate with hundred percent responsibility. Morales failed to obey the rules of democracy, which gave him the opportunity to come to power in the first place. He should have respected the constituitional term limit and left after his term as most Presidents do it routinely in Latin America. Morales thought he could also get away with his crime like President Maduro, late President Chavez and President Ortega of Nicaragua who have vitiated democracy by perpetuating their regimes. 

This is not the end for Bolivia, which has seen many bigger political and economic crisis before Morales. 36 of the 83 governments in the past had lasted a year or less. The country can move on by holding the next elections and choosing another leader. The economy of the country is in fairly good shape. Although Morales failed to groom a successor, he has empowered the masses and inspired them with the message that they could use their democratic power to elect and change governments to make the country better. There are a number of young grass root indigenous leaders who could emerge in the future, like Morales.

Morales should have remembered the fate of the Great Liberator, Simon Bolivar, after whom Bolivia has been named. The Liberator had paid the same price like Morales and was sent into exile when he started putting himself above democracy. 

The article was published in Financial Express on 14 November

Friday, November 08, 2019

Brazil’s credentials as a credible major power, beyond Bolsonaro

 President Bolsonaro is hosting on 13-14 November, the summit of BRICS, a non-western group, which challenges, in principle, the world order dominated by US and its allies. 
This is the second time Brazil is hosting this summit. But the Brazil of today is much different from what it was when the last BRICS summit was held in Brazil in 2014. Bolsonaro, the current President has upended the traditional foreign policy and global profile of the country with his radical right wing personal beliefs and prejudices as well as polarizing rhetoric. This was demonstrated yesterday when Brazil voted against the UN General Assembly resolution condemning the US embargo on Cuba. Going against 187 members of the UN who supported the resolution and joining US ( besides Israel) is unprecedented and shocking even for Brazilians besides the outsiders. 

Naturally, there are lot of question marks about the credentials and credibility of Brazil as a major power. How will the pro-western and Trump-admiring Bolsonaro ( called as Tropical Trump) fit in BRICS? Will he be passive player or will he try to subvert the group from within? Is this a passing and forgettable phase in Brazil’s history?  Is Brazil’s foreign policy embarking on permanent changes? To answer these, one should examine the nature and contents of Brazil’s power package and its long term potential in comparison to the other major powers, both actual and the aspiring.

Brazil has been acknowledged as a "future power" because of its inherent strength and potential. The critics, of course, joke that it has managed to remain and will always continue to be only as a "future" power. Expectations raised during economic booms had crashed during cyclical busts and disruption of democracy by dictatorships in the past. The Brazilians had finally thought that they had "arrived" during the euphoric years of the Presidency of Lula in the period 2003-11. But post-Lula there is nothing but disappointment and disillusion. 

Golden years of Lula

Brazil's global profile reached unprecedented new heights during the Presidency of Lula who pursued proactive and visionary foreign policies. During Lula's term, the economy had high growth and at the same time poverty and inequality were reduced with successful Inclusive Development policies. The country had discovered enormous pre-salt oil reserves and was already a global pioneer in the use of sugar cane ethanol as fuel. In 2010, Petrobras raised  an unprecedented amount of 70 billion dollars through global IPO. President Lula was ecstatic when he said ¨It wasn’t in London, it wasn’t in New York, it was in our Sao Paulo exchange that we carried out the biggest capitalization in the history of capitalism,”.  Petrobras overtook Walmart and Microsoft to become the fourth largest company in the world in terms of market value. 

President Lula took initiatives in the formation of regional groups such as UNASUR and CELAC as part of its regional leadership role besides strengthening Mercosur.  Brazil took over command of the delicate Chapter Seven UN Peacekeeping mission in Haiti in 2004 and spent over a billion dollars in humanitarian assistance and other expenditure. It co-founded IBSA alliance with India and South Africa in which the three aspiring democratic powers from the three continents agreed to work on common agenda. Brazil had joined India, Germany and Japan in the campaign for permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Brazil was active in BRICS alliance. President Lula had even dared  to mediate in the Iranian crisis. Brazil was an active player, mover and shaker in UN and multilateral fora. There was a new confidence and optimism with which Brazil sought its place among the global powers.

Unfortunately, the Car Wash and other corruption scandals have discredited political and business leaders many of whom including Lula are in jail now. The Brazilian economy has slowed down from the " go go" growth period  to the " so so " slow performance these days. The GDP growth has declined to less than one percent in 2018. 

Disruptive and uncertain foreign policy of Bolsonaro
President Bolsonaro has shaken the confidence of the world in Brazil with his extremist and disruptive ideological fights. He is an anti-globalist and considers climate change as a Marxist Cultural Plot. He is a fierce anti-socialist both within and outside Brazil. He has refused to congratulate the leftist Argentine president-elect Alberto Fernandez and is boycotting his inauguration ceremony. This is a serious breach of the post-dictatorship tradition of Brazil-Argentina strategic partnership of the last four decades. Bolsonaro is threatening to disintegrate Mercosur, which has been the main framework of Brazil’s regional integration. His statements on Amazon and climate change has disconcerted the Europeans. He wants to align the foreign policy of Brazil to that of US and seeks closer links with right wing leaders of Israel, Hungary, Poland and Italy. He is influenced by ultra conservative gurus like Steve Bannon and Olavo de Carvalho. 

Ernesto Araujo, Bolsonaro’s foreign minister  and a career diplomat, is even more obscurantist and anachronistic. He is unpopular among his colleagues in Itamaraty, the foreign office.

But the good news is that there are sufficient sensible and pragmatic forces within the administration which have the power to restrain Bolsonaro’s adventurous streaks. The military faction, the neo liberalistic economists and trade lobbies along with the professional diplomats have succeeded in containing damages and changing the direction and discourse of Bolsonaro in some cases. He wanted to shift the Brazilian embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, favoured US military intervention in Venezuela and started off with a strong anti-China stand. But the pragmatists have prevailed on these issues. In October third week President Bolsonaro made a state visit and made the right statements. 

The presidency of Bolsonaro is a passing phase. Bolsonaro is an accidental president who was a beneficiary of the wave of public anger at the Car Wash scandal and the excesses and corruption of the established political leadership. He does not have a large political party nor any positive and consistent political agenda. He has been in nine different political parties in twenty years. None of these is a serious mainstream party. He belongs to a minority fringe group with extremist beliefs not accepted by most Brazilians. He is not an incorrupt angel either. He, his three politician sons and his political party have been accused of corruption and abuse of power. He has not taken any major constructive long term policy initiatives for poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, education, healthcare and other fundamental issues of the country. He does not have a positive, constructive and unfying vision for the country. He plays to his fringe audience just as Trump does going against the feelings of the majority. Brazil will certainly bounce back from the Bolsonaro aberration and become a normal country again after the next elections. 

In the long term, Brazil continues to enjoy many distinct advantages and stronger fundamentals in comparison to the existing global powers as well as the other emerging powers. 

Superpower in soft power

Among the major powers, both existing and aspiring, Brazil  stands out distinctly as a “super power in soft power”. Brazil is the most adorable and attractive, cheerful and colourful, charming and romantic country.

One has only to listen to the song “ Tall and tan, 
                                                                and young and lovely
                                                                the girl from Ipanema goes walking…”

How can one resist this soft power? When the name of Brazil is mentioned it triggers a feeling of “Alegria” (joy), happiness, carnival, bossa nova, Copacabana and Ipanema.

In contrast, 
-US evokes anger with its image of “Uncle Sam”- the Big Bully messing up the world.
-Russia as a Big Bear-carnivorous and hungry, gives rise to fear
-China as a Dragon, breathing fire and making the world afraid and suspicious
-UK and France, the old, tired and stuck in the past imperial glory, evokes disgust
-Germany and Japan, the guilt- ridden, pitiful
-India ‘the big elephant’ moving slowly with its argumentative Indians

Brazil evokes peaceful, positive, pleasant and friendly feelings.

Super power of peace

Some powers such as Germany, Japan, US, UK, France, China and USSR have caused massive death and misery with their  wars. For US, war is business. Very big business for the military-industry complex. The US tries to dominate by dividing the world, creating conflicts and selling arms. The US has invented wars such as the war on communism, war on drugs, war on terrorism and the war for regime change.
Brazil is an authentic ‘ power for peace’ anchored in solid foundation and strong fundamentals of peace, as evident from the following:

-Brazil is the only major power which has not had a war in the last 150 years. This means that Brazil does not have the hubris and hang over of the victors or the grudge and rancor of the vanquished. 

-The Brazilian armed forces have a unique and enviable challenge in their military doctrine. They cannot find any enemy countries to target against, in their military strategy. So they focus on perceived vulnerabilities of the country.

- Brazil is not considered as an enemy by any country or neighbor. Even Argentina looks upon Brazil only as a football rival and at worst tries to put obstacles for Brazil’s ambition to become a  permanent member of the UN Security Council. The Argentine agenda against Brazil does not go beyond these. Thanks to Mercosur, Argentina is fully integrated with Brazil in trade, industry and economy. Today, Argentina exports more to Brazil than to US and China combined together. Brazil has avoided a potential arms race and nuclear rivalry with Argentina through open and transparent defense cooperation and joint projects. 

-Despite having border with ten out of the twelve South American countries, Brazil does not have any territorial disputes with neighbours. They do not face a hostile or unstable neighborhood like what India is burdened with. China and Japan too face threats from neighbourhood.

-Brazil is lucky that it is very far from the global hotspots of conflicts and instability. The region is free from nuclear arms, terrorism and threat of wars unlike in some parts of Asia, Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe.
-Brazil is free from the curse of terrorism. It did not experience a 9/11 or attack on parliament or subway or Marathon. So the country is free from the paranoid mindset of countries such as US, UK, France, Russia, China and India who are victims of terrorism and continue to live in fear of possibilities of terror strikes in the future.

-While Washington DC waged a war against Osama Bin Laden, Rio de Janeiro runs a bar in his name “ Bin Laden Bar”. With his long flowing beard, Araujo, the owner looks like Bin Laden and serves liquor to clients saying “Cheers”.

-Brazil does not face any domestic conflicts or separatist movements arising from religious, ethnic, linguistic divisions. It has one religion and one language.  It has no extremist fundamentalist groups which threaten most of the other major powers.
Food and energy security

Some powers such as  China, India, Japan and Germany face challenges arising from food and energy security concerns and their dependence on imports. But Brazil is not only self sufficient but also has surplus for exports.

Brazil is an agricultural super power. It is the world´s largest exporter of beef, chicken, sugar, soya, orange juice and coffee besides being a significant exporter of soya, maize, cotton, tobacco, bananas, pork and ethanol.  Brazil can increase production and exports and feed several hundred more million people of the world. It has lot of surplus land which could be brought under agriculture without touching Amazon. The Brazilian climate and regional variations make it possible to grow 2-3 crops throughout the year. The country is blessed with abundant ( 20% of global fresh water reserves) water resources. The rainfall is reasonable and most of the agriculture is rain-fed unlike India which depends on irrigation and pumping of ground water. Both China and India have long term water problems. With Embrapa’s advanced research and development, Brazil has brought under cultivation millions of hectares of arid land in Matto Grosso. 

Brazil has emerged as a global player in energy. Like India, Brazil was dependent upon crude oil imports in the seventies. Today India is even more dependent on imports while Brazil has become a net exporter. In 2018, crude oil was the second largest item of exports of Brazil, which has the capacity to produce 5 million barrels per day. The credit goes to Petrobras’s innovative competence in deep sea drilling and production technology with which pre-salt reserves have been discovered. 

Brazil gets nearly two thirds of its electricity from hydro electric projects. Itaipu alone has capacity to generate 14000 MW. There is scope to produce even more hydroelectric power. 

Brazil is a pioneer and global leader in the use of sugar cane ethanol as fuelWith the use of ethanol, Brazil has cut down petrol use by fifty percent and has also reduced pollution. Most of the new vehicles in Brazil have flexifuel engines. Brazil is working with US and a number of Latin American countries to  standardize fuel ethanol production, use and trading globally. Sugar cane ethanol is more fuel efficient and environment-friendly than the corn ethanol used in US. 
Big and Blessed Brazil
Brazil is the fifth biggest country in area and population and the seventh largest economy in the world.  It has a large, diverse and strong base of agriculture, manufacturing, mineral wealth, services and exports. Its survival is not dependent upon any single commodity or just exports. 

Brazil has the world's largest forest cover in Amazon, which contributes twenty percent of earth´s oxygen and has become the lungs of our planet. 

It has abundant mineral wealth and has large reserves of minerals such as iron ore, tin , copper, bauxite, manganese and gold.

Brazil enjoys a moderate and agreeable climate and does not suffer from extreme heat or cold. It has some of the best beaches in the world. 

More importantly, Brazil is not prone to extreme natural calamities such as earthquakes, cyclones, tornados, volcanoes or typhoons. 

Brazilian spirit
Brazilians are so much attached to the Brazilian way of life and feel so self-reliant and confident that they stay in Brazil itself. On the other hand, India and China suffer from Brain Drain since many scientists and high-tech experts emigrate to US and other developed countries for better professional prospects.

Brazil is a country of predominantly young population and does not have the problems of ageing  and decline in skilled human resources faced by countries such as Germany and Japan.

With their blend of "coffee with milk" ( cafĂ© con leite) complexion and free mix of people of European, African ( the largest outside Africa), Japanese( the largest outside Japan) and Arab origin, Brazil is a true melting pot. The Brazilians mix easily with people around the world and get along happily. 

Some major powers are weighed down by their historical baggage and long traditions. But the Brazilians never look back. They are forward looking and open in their outlook.

Truly Independent foreign policy

China is allergic to D word (democracy), F word (Freedom) and H word ( Human Rights). India is alert for the K word (Kashmir) and is wary of S word ( self determination). But Brazil has no such allergies.

US will never have a neutral policy towards Middle East since the powerful Jewish lobby has taken away policy-making from the State Department. The Cuban emigres have hijacked the US policy towards Cuba. India’s policy towards the Gulf will always have to take into account its large Muslim population. But Brazil does not have such domestic lobbies.

The five Permanent members of the UN Security Council use the United Nations to protect and promote their interests and those of their friends and punish their adversaries. So their policies are always agenda-driven and rarely objective. But Brazil is truly neutral and objective.

Brazil has one of the best diplomatic services in the world, admired and respected for its professionalism and commitment. The Brazilian diplomats in UN, WTO and multilateral fora are known for their proactive, positive and constructive roles. They are seen as bridge builders who inspire confidence and trust to all sides in negotiations. They are different from the aggressive  agenda-pushing and polarizing diplomats of the P-5 in UN Security Council. 

The Brazilians fit naturally with the black Africans and the blonde Europeans. They have the largest African population outside Africa. Political and economic power is wielded by the descendants of European settlers, who are rooted in western values. So the Brazilians feel at home on both sides. They also get along culturally with US which has similar history and forward-looking nature. This fact gives comfort to the western powers who see India, China and Japan whose cultures, histories and mindset are totally different from the western ones.

Brazil has one of the highest wealth disparities in the world with acute poverty and rich people. With this, Brazil qualifies in both the camps of South and North. It fights on both sides. 
As part of the developing world Brazil pursues South-South cooperation and solidarity. As an emerging power, it seeks change in the status quo of the global political and economic power equations. It resents the unilateralism of US and the domination of the western powers. But at the same time it seeks OECD membership, the club of the rich world.
With these unique strengths and credentials  as well as the least constraints on foreign policy, Brazil has the freedom to judge international issues based on pure merit and deal with them objectively. 


Brazil’s long term challenges include poverty, inequality, insecurity, drug trafficking, corruption, infrastructure, health care and education. But the problems of Brazil are solvable in the medium term unlike some of the serious long term developmental problems of huge magnitude faced by India and China. India has the most challenging problem of providing food, education, healthcare and infrastructure for the 15 million additional population every year. Most of India's energy is wasted in firefighting on the day to day issues of conflicts between communities and other such problems arising from the vast diversity of the country with so many languages, religions and castes. Besides the large population, China has an even more fundamental problem on democracy. No one has a clue as to how China is going to come out of its communist dictatorship and become a normal democracy and be part of the contemporary civilized world.

Although race is not an issue in Brazil, it is a fact that most of the poor, less educated and most disadvantaged in Brazil are the Afro-Brazilians. There are very few blacks who are cabinet ministers, business leaders, civil servants or diplomats. The Afro-Brazilians are invariably in the role of domestic servants in the stories of most Brazilian 
TV soap operas. Only now some universities have started affirmative action programmes. But Brazil does not face any major racial tension or issues unlike in the case of US. 

The Brazilians are aware that economic strength alone will not get UNSC permanent membership as Germany and Japan have found out. The Permanent members of the UNSC who are all nuclear powers, have respect only for the hard power. Brazil regrets having signed away its nuclear power status option, although they do not admit it publicly. But it is too late now to change. The Brazilians put on their best smile on the subject joking that if they have a nuclear bomb they would not know against whom to throw it.

Brazil is misaligned with the world by its protectionist and introverted trade policies while most other economic powers are forming, expanding and joining ever more alliances and signing FTAs. The Pacific Alliance shines as an open, dynamic and forward looking trade group in contrast to the inward looking Mercosur struggling with many internal issues. The Mercosur-EU FTA concluded recently risks being torpedoed by Bolsonaro’s climate change policy and his personal attack on President Macron and his wife. 

Brazil has a poor record in development assistance in comparison to other powers. Conscious of this past negligence, President Lula had started providing technical, financial and developmental assistance to the less developed countries especially in Africa. He had written off the debts owed  by some poor countries. He opened more embassies in Africa and provided technical assistance for agricultural development in some countries. But these initiatives have been frozen or reversed by the Bolsonaro government.

The only external challenge to the rise of Brazil as a global power is United States, which does not want a hemispheric rival. The US will not forget how its proposal for a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) was killed by President Lula along with Chavez and Kirchner at the Mar del Plata Summit of the Americas in 2005. The US did not like the efforts of Lula to restore President Manuel Zelaya after the latter was overthrown in a US-supported coup in 2009. The US was against President Lula’s efforts for integration of Latin America to make it as a collectively strong entity and resist external intervention. 
Brazil as a global strategic partner of India 
India perceives Brazil as a peaceful and benign power, without past sins or future threats. It appreciates Brazil’s open and pragmatic approach in a non-prescriptive and non-polarising way and its firm belief in a multipolar world and multilateralism. It believes that Brazil could make the UN better and the world safer as a global power and permanent member of the UN Security Council. Both India and Brazil have common worldview and aspirations and face similar challenges. Over the years, India and Brazil have built up rapport in working together in many global fora and multilateral negotiations. They had taken initiatives for UNSC reforms and presented their candidatures to permanent membership along with Germany and Japan.

The Brazil-India strategic partnership flourished during the presidency of Lula, who attached special importance to India. Pity, Lula is no longer the President. Modi and Lula would have formed an unbeatable Dream Team with their global vision and assertive and proactive approaches.  

Brazil used to be the top trading partner of India in Latin America. No longer. Mexico has overtaken Brazil. India’s trade with Brazil in 2018-10 was 8.2 billion dollars of which exports were 3.8 bn and imports 4.4 bn. India’s investment in Brazil is about three billion dollars while Brazilian investment is under 200 million dollars.

India is still committed to its "strategic partnership" with Brazil.  But India is not sure of reciprocity on the part of President Bolsonaro. It seems that India is not in his priorities. But there is some hope that he could change as he has done in the case of China. After his anti-China statements and visit to Taiwan, he has now come around to accept the reality of the importance of China for Brazil under pressure from Brazil’s agribusiness and exporters lobbies. He made a state visit to China in October and made the right statements. It is after seeing this positive Chinese experience that India is said to be inviting Bolsonaro to be the chief guest at the 2020 Republic Day. In any case, India believes in a long term partnership with Brazil as a country, beyond Bolsonaro.

The Wire magazine published an edited version of this